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- Release Notes
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 3
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- Release Notes
- John Neil
- April 23, 1996
- ZMWelcome to SoftwareFPU! To install this shareware 68K-only version, drag the
- H[SoftwareFPU control panel into the Control Panels folder in your System Folder and restart.
- [If you use SoftwareFPU, you must send in a registration fee to John Neil & Associates. The
- H]registration fee for the shareware 68K-only version is just $10. A "fat" 68K/PowerPC version
- _with twice the performance is available for $20. You can register on-line using CompuServe (GO
- _SWREG), or by calling (800) 663-2943, or by fax, or by e-mail. Registered users will receive a
- `free upgrade that allows the startup "thank you" balloon to be hidden. Registration information
- Zand a registration form are available at the end of the "About SoftwareFPU" document or by
- <clicking the "Plea" button in the SoftwareFPU control panel.
- Compatibility Information
- [SoftwareFPU 3.0 and later is fully System 7.5 compatible. If you have this version you can
- HSsafely ignore any warning from the Apple System 7.5 compatibility checker regarding
- SoftwareFPU.
- WIf you have problems running older FPU applications with SoftwareFPU under System 7.1.2
- HNor later, try turning off "Modern Memory Manager" in the Memory control panel.
- USoftwareFPU is much slower than a hardware FPU. If the performance of one or more of
- HZyour 68K FPU applications is unacceptably slow, and you have a Power Macintosh, you should
- consider upgrading to
- PowerFPU
- )6:, John Neil & Associates new high-performance FPU emulator
- H[for the Power Macintosh. See the
- About PowerFPU
- document for more information about this
- product.
- XThe following software packages require special settings on your Macintosh or have known
- H#incompatibilities with SoftwareFPU:
- AutoCAD 12
- )HD (AutoDesk)
- AutoCAD requires "Modern Memory Manager" in the Memory
- HLcontrol panel to be turned off to work properly with System 7.1.2 and later.
- DebuggerINIT
- )R= (Apple Computer)
- This PowerPC debugging extension disables
- HSSoftwareFPU at startup. To use SoftwareFPU with this extension installed, open the
- MSoftwareFPU control panel and click the "On" button to re-enable SoftwareFPU.
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 3
- Full Impact 2.0s
- )^I (Ashton-Tate)
- This application is incompatible with recent versions of
- H`the system software. SoftwareFPU cannot eliminate the "co-processor not installed" system error
- 'that occurs when launching Full Impact.
- MachTen
- )3O (Tenon Intersystems)
- MachTen provides its own FPU emulation which interferes
- HYwith SoftwareFPU. To use SoftwareFPU with this extension installed, open the SoftwareFPU
- Acontrol panel and click the "On" button to re-enable SoftwareFPU.
- Mathematica
- )FF (Wolfram Research)
- Some versions require "Modern Memory Manager" in
- HWthe Memory control panel to be turned off to work properly with System 7.1.2 and later.
- MathLibFast
- )GF (Apple Computer)
- SoftwareFPU may not be compatible with development
- H9versions of this improved Apple PowerPC numerics library.
- MPEGAud 1.0
- )SG (George Warner)
- MPEGAud 1.0 contains a bug that causes it to display
- H\the error message
- Sorry, FPU required for this program
- at startup even when SoftwareFPU is
- 2installed. This should be fixed in MPEGAud 1.0.1.
- PSpice
- )'Q (MicroSim)
- PSpice may generate incorrect results when used with SoftwareFPU on
- HV68LC040 Macintoshes affected by the 68LC040 CPU chip bug (see the "68LC040 Owners MUST
- READ" document).
- StatView 4.1
- )JH (Abacus Concepts)
- A StatView bug causes the PowerPC-native version of
- HWthis application to display an erroneous warning message at startup when SoftwareFPU is
- (installed. This warning can be ignored.
- Upgrades
- VRegistered users can upgrade to the latest "fat" 68K/PowerPC version of SoftwareFPU by
- Hcsending $10 to the address above. Updates to the latest version are available free on our Web site
- Sor via e-mail. Upgrades from SoftwareFPU to PowerFPU, John Neil & Associates
- high
- HZperformance 68K FPU emulator for the Power Macintosh, are $50 ($60 for registered 68K-only
- SoftwareFPU users).
- Commercial Licensing
- WSoftwareFPU may not be sold or bundled with products without a license from John Neil &
- H]Associates. For information on commercial licensing, please contact us at the above address.
- Change History
- "Changes from Version 3.03 to 3.04:
- XFixed bug that switched accuracy setting to 80-bits if control panel was opened on a 68K
- 8machine with a PowerPC upgrade card running in 68K mode.
- *Fixed FASIN(-1), FASIN(1), FACOS(-1) bugs.
- Z"Changes from Version 3.02 to 3.03:
- 9Fixed incompatibilities with DeltaGraph Pro & True BASIC.
- IFixed a bug in the 68K FPU emulator that caused error messages in MATLAB.
- Times
- John Neil & Associates
- P.O. Box 2156
- Cupertino, CA 95015 USA
- Orders:
- E-Mail:
- Web Site:
- (800) 663-2943
- (415) 661-2944
- sales@jna.com
- http://www.jna.com
- of 3
- UAdded a new PowerPC startup icon to make it clear what version of the FPU emulator is
- loaded.
- .Improved the accuracy of hyperbolic functions.
- *Documentation now in Common Ground format.
- Z"Changes from Version 3.01 to 3.02:
- 8Corrected fax number in registration form (arrrggghhh!).
- Z)Changes from Version 3.0 to Version 3.01:
- 9Fixed a bug that prevented MacRLab from working properly.
- 9Changed to improved icon (thanks to J.B. Wilson, age 13).
- /Added new payment options to registration form.
- Updated manual.
- Z)Changes from Version 2.45 to Version 3.0:
- [You can now enable and disable SoftwareFPU without restarting if it was installed at system
- startup.
- 'The control panel now has balloon help.
- 8Fixed a bug that prevented Systat from working properly.
- 6Added native PowerPC emulator (registered users only).
- 8Added 64/80-bit accuracy option (registered users only).
- QAdded option to turn off the startup "thank you" balloon (registered users only).
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- John M. Neil
- John M. Neil
- Microsoft Word
- Times
- Release Notes
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